Debut from Ólafur Arnalds. Eulogy For Evolution. Dude is from Iceland and drummed in some metal bands that I'm pretty sure are probably terrible. Anyway, he made this album and an EP released the following year and both are good. Sample time.

This of course is the aforementioned EP Variations Of Static. Same deal. Piano, loops and beats. Sample to be had here.
These next three I take no credit for (although I do appreciate them very much) and came to me by way of someone sweet.

Honestly don't know too much about Bosques besides that it comes from Spain and that I like this album a lot. Check this out, and this too while you're at it.

Post rock outta the UK. Anyway this is a 60 some odd minute long EP titled Enjoy Eternal Bliss (I guess it still qualifies as an EP due to only having 4 tracks) and it's good. Do it up.

2006 effort from Roberto Di Gioia's Marsmobil. Examples to be found here aaaaaand here.
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