Uh, no updates after I got there, that should be pretty evident of the time that was had. Sights seen are as follows:
Bela Fleck
Grizzly Bear
Ani DiFranco
Beastie Boys
Bon Iver (easily my favorite)
Elvis Costello
Heard Springsteen's set from the tent with no apparent option of not hearing it
Little bit of NIN doing Terrible Lie much to my surprise
Ben Harper
AA Bondy
Ted Leo
Brett Dennen
Erykah Badu
Andrew Bird
Band of Horses (close second)
Phish (both performances were certainly the best performances put on which I was pretty surprised by but will continue to admit to my own dismay)
Anyway, the fucking mutant mud on that farm was unlike any other mud I've ever encountered and enjoyed flipping between either stealing my shoes or making me slide around like more of a jackass than I normally am so eventually going barefoot was the only recourse. Sleeping in a tent in the heat isn't quite as miserable a picture as it's painted out to be, but company may have played a role in that much as it does in most situations. EZ Up style canopies are definitely lifesaving devices in the godawful TN sun.
While the best parts of the week consisted of laying in the grass listening to amazing music by amazing artists the top two said moments were definitely Bon Iver (whom despite the best efforts of the blazing sun and complete lack of unoccupied shade not found underneath a funny hat or bandanna was probably as close to a perfect moment as I've had in quite a while) and Band Of Horses for whom the weather was nearly as beautiful as the company kept for the past two weeks.
Really though I'm beat and thus I don't feel like rambling on and on about Bon now and probably won't ever return and do so as I've already told most of the important and/or funny shit, but should you ever go please do everyone who is naive enough to sign up to clean after the festival a favor and pick up your goddamn cigarette butts. It's miserable enough with a lazy bitch yelling at you without having to pick up half a million of those goddamn things. Also, bring lots of sun screen.